Catherine Faulkner

Catherines Faulkner Profile Picture
  • Manual Osteopathic Therapist

  • Registered Massage Therapist

  • Bemer IBD

  • Graston tech IASTM

I specialize in assessing all body systems to identify dysfunctions and restrictions, working collaboratively with clients to support their body’s natural repair and regulatory processes.

Every body tells a unique story, and my passion lies in listening to that story, ensuring vital systems function as they should. My goal is to make every client feel heard and respected on their health journey while empowering them to better understand their body as we address their specific needs.

My background in various sports and activities gives me valuable insight into the unique demands of athletes. From extreme equestrian sports like polocrosse and wild horse racing to competitive archery—where I proudly represented Canada at the world championships—BMX racing, jiu-jitsu, and more, these experiences shape my approach to care.